When people think of water conservation, the first thing that usually comes to their minds is saving water in the home. However, these same principles can also apply to the yard. At Ben Franklin, there are several strategies we recommend that can help you conserve water in your yard and cut down your water bill.
Saving Water Is Easy
Water conservation in your yard is easy, it just requires a little bit of extra thought. To conserve water outside:
- The first step is to make sure that you are not wasting water because of a leak. Look for spikes in your water bill and inspect your system for water leaks.
- Put a layer of mulch around your plants – Mulch prevents moisture provided to your plants from evaporating too quickly. In addition to conserving water, it also discourages weed growth. You should plan on placing about two to four inches of organic material along the bases of all of your plants.
- Only water your lawn when it needs it – To test if your lawn needs water, pay attention to whether it springs back up when you walk on it. If it doesn’t, it’s time for some water.
- Use a broom to clean driveways and sidewalks – Instead of cleaning your sidewalks and driveways by rinsing them with the hose, give them a good sweep-down.
- Position your sprinklers so that the water lands on your yard and plants – Test your sprinklers to make sure that they’re not watering your pavement.
You should also shut off your hose between rinses when you wash your car, water your lawn during the early parts of the day, and consider planting drought-resistant plants in your yard.
Turn to Us for Advice
When it comes to water conservation in your yard, you may not know where to start. Our plumbers in are always ready to provide you with advice regarding whatever plumbing problem you might run into. You can contact us by calling 210-549-9944. Here at Ben Franklin, we are dedicated to addressing large and small plumbing needs.