Water is the essence of our being. We use it to cook, clean, and most importantly, to drink water on a daily basis in order to live. It’s important to have clean water in our homes, because without it, we can get sick from drinking impurities or chemicals in the tap water or we can suffer from dehydration when the plumbing fails. In order to get clean water, people sometimes turn to drinking bottled water or using re-fillable water filter systems; however, installing a water filtration system is a much more cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative.
Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Dallas shares just a few reasons why having an at-home filtration system is the best way to have 24/7 access to clean, filtered water in your household.
- It reduces waste. Many people turn to plastic water bottles instead of drinking from the tap because they believe this is their only option for avoiding the chemicals and pollutants found in tap water. However, plastic water bottles are not a good solution because they contribute to our growing waste problem. A more environmentally-friendly solution is to install a filtration system in your home, so your tap water is free from pollutants and you can drink it whenever you want.
- It’s less hassle than a re-fillable water filter. Re-fillable water filters are great for small amounts of water but are not practical for households. How many times have you opened the fridge to find the water filter empty? Installing a water filtration system in your home is a great solution because you no longer have to worry about re-filling a water filter, and you know that you always have easy access to clean water for all your water needs.
- It is a cost-effective and simple way to always have access to clean, filtered water. After a one-time installation, your home will always have access to filtered water. You never again have to worry about buying water bottles. You will always have clean water that can be used for cooking, cleaning, washing, or drinking.
If you would like more information about new plumbing installation or installing a filtration system in your home, talk to the Dallas plumber who knows best. Call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Dallas today at 972-301-8387 for help with all your water and plumbing needs.