If you ever smell gas in your home, it is important that you leave immediately and call your gas company. Although natural gas is used to heat your
Be Alert to the Signs of a Failing Water Heater
It's never fun having to go without hot water. It makes the most basic things like showering or bathing, washing your hair, washing your clothes, etc.
Be Calm But Take Action if You Suffer a Pipe Break
While we're typically lucky in the Dallas/Fort Worth area in that we don't usually have extended periods of bitterly cold weather, every once in a
Prompt Gas Leak Detection Saves Lives
Natural gas is one of the best ways to heat water and power a home’s furnace. It does not produce noxious gasses when burned and is fairly efficient.
Winter Weather Updates Dallas
Get the <a href="http://www.widgetbox.com/widget/weather2">Weather Widget</a> widget and many other <a
How to Prevent Your Pipes From Freezing
Here's a great infographic brought to you from our sister company in Houston detailing how Dallas residents can better prepare for freezing
Prepare Your Plumbing for the Holidays
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Grandma’s here to stay!! At Benjamin Franklin we understand your house needs to be prepared for holiday company. Been a
Infographic: The Weirdest Toilets Around The World
We don't think too much about our porcelain throne, but some people out there have. Check out some of the weirdest toilets around the world
Infographic: How Regular Plumbing Maintenance Saves You Money
Regular plumbing maintenance will always be a better option than letting your plumbing fixtures reach the point of repair or replacement. However, it